Friday, November 30, 2012

Harmful Errors With Anesthesia

Anesthesia makes some of the most complicated and invasive surgical procedures possible because it allows patients to sleep through the pain without actually feeling the pain. Though anesthesia allows for individuals to overcome their ailments, it can also be dangerous if administered incorrectly.

Anesthesia should only be administered by an anesthesiologist, which is a specialized doctor who has had special training in sedation. Often, the amount of medication an individual receives depends on his or her health background, physical attributes, and vitals.

It is a very precise determination. Because of how precise measurements must be, it is easy for errors to occur if anesthesiologists do not give their full attention to the task at hand. Common acts of negligence that may lead to anesthesia-related injuries include:

Failure to monitor a patient while under sedation Over or under dosing surgical patients Keeping a patient under sedation for too long Forcing or incorrectly placing intubation

Each of these errors may prove severely damaging or even deadly to some patients. Anesthesia is a very strong drug that may become harmful when misused. Additionally, since it induces an artificial sedation, individuals who are put under may have trouble waking up if overdosed.

In the event that an individual suffers a serious injury or worse after an anesthesia error, he or she may be entitled to financial compensation from the doctor who made the error. These individuals will first need to seek out an experienced medical malpractice lawyer before filing legal action.

Anesthesia errors may seriously injure or even kill and individual, so it is important that victims of these errors exercise their rights to pursue financial compensation.

If you or someone you love suffered injuries after an anesthesiologist made a mistake, learn more about holding the responsible medical professional accountable from the Madison medical malpractice attorneys of Habush Habush & Rottier, S.C.

What Is Medical Negligence and What Does It Mean for You?   Learn What Medical Malpractice Really Is   Failure to Diagnose Cancer Case - How Does It Work?   The Complicated World of Expert Affidavits in Minnesota Medical Malpractice Cases   

Common Causes of Wrongful Death

Causes of Wrongful Death

In a complex society like America, negligence and carelessness is common in a variety of scenarios and situations. Individuals fall victim to fatal negligent errors and acts in many unexpected ways. Wrongful death due to negligent acts can happen in the form of auto accidents, medical malpractice, faulty equipment, defective products, or contaminated food. Losing a loved one because someone else made a negligent mistake can be emotional and financially devastating.

If you have lost a loved one and you fear that negligence or careless on the part of another individual or company is to blame, you may have grounds for legal action. You deserve to receive any compensation due you for your loss. If you were dependent on your loved one, trying to recover and move on with your life can be a tremendous challenge. Nothing can bring your loved one back, but it is important to fight for the funds you deserve.

When someone passes away unexpectedly, it could happen while they are at work, school, or even at home. Their death could have occurred because of:

Negligent car, truck, or motorcycle drivers Defective children's toys or products Faulty construction equipment Poisoned or tainted food items Hazardous household products Defective industrial machines Faulty medical devices Defective power tools Medication error

Speak with an attorney today if you suspect that one of these factors led to your loved one's death. You should not have to bear the burden of recovery alone if someone else caused his or her passing.

Contact Us

Contact the Pennsylvania wrongful death attorneys of Lowenthal & Abrams, P.C., to discuss your case today, free of charge.

What Is Medical Negligence and What Does It Mean for You?   Learn What Medical Malpractice Really Is   Failure to Diagnose Cancer Case - How Does It Work?   The Complicated World of Expert Affidavits in Minnesota Medical Malpractice Cases   

The Necessity of Preserving Your Medical Job

There has been a gradual increase of medical malpractice suits over the course of 5 years. Errors occurring in the medical field have either led to the death or injury of a patient and a common factor for all those cases is that the doctor failed to exercise extra ordinary diligence on the patient under his care.

Mistakes are a high factor among humans and doctors no matter how skilled they are still commit mistakes. That is why companies and corporations provide services that protect them from the financial ramifications by committing those mistakes. Malpractice suits could render a doctor insolvent or financially strained, the thing is how can they ensure their work if they are constantly worried about committing mistakes.

Madison health care insurance services are one of those popular insurance companies that offer a wide variety of comprehensive insurance programs. One fact that cannot be denied is that a lot of doctors who felt that they do not need those types insurances have wounded up in heavy debt due to actions of medical malpractice. In order to ensure the work doctors do they must be granted protection from medical malpractice actions, this is one way of lightening the type of work they do.

The comprehensive protection of Madison healthcare insurance services in their medical malpractice insurance program is very convenient and self-assuring. Alleged malpractice acts which have led to the death or injury of patients is one of the of the main issues that Madison healthcare insurances services offers doctors financial protection from.

This type of service is indeed expensive but then again doctors can never be too sure about themselves regarding their skills. Some states in the US in fact require doctors to avail of medical malpractice insurance before they can start taking in patients. The rationale for this law is that doctors can now focus on their work without worrying about the repercussions if he or she makes a mistake. While patients get to receive the best kind of care they are paying for.

- Retroactive Coverage - Occurrence Coverage - Claims Made Coverage - Tail Coverage

Medical malpractice cases are growing annually. This is one of the biggest problems for doctors. That is why it is important for doctors to avail of the protection insurance firm's offer with regard to errors they make on patients under their care. The fact is, medical malpractice is one of the biggest problems that left so many doctors under financial instability.

You would never know what types of problems that might surface during your career. It is highly recommended that doctors avail of this form of insurance Even states have taken note of the fact that medical malpractice insurance is essential for before they allow doctors to treat patients. This law not only encourages insurance but it also ensures patients that they will get the quality of medical care they deserve.

Madison healthcare insurance services provide clients with a wide variety of insurance policies which are affordable, short term, long term, and immediate coverage which offers its clients a comprehensive security package.

These will be the following:

- Claims made coverage is a type of insurance policy which covers claims of medical malpractice during the period where the insurance policy was in effect. Regardless of which date it was, so long as the insurance is annually renewed any claims of malpractice arising from an alleged error made by a doctor on a previous year shall be covered. This is a type of insurance which usually covers 6 to 8 years.

- Retroactive coverage is a type of insurance coverage which covers claims of medical practice which arose during a period which has already expired. This of course is only possible if the doctor successfully reports the claim during his renewed insurance policy. This type of insurance is short term, affordable, and still offers comprehensive coverage.

- Tail coverage is a form of insurance plan that provides coverage on claims of medical malpractice occurring on an insurance period which has already expired. As long as the doctor reports the claim during the period of a new insurance plan he acquires coverage from the alleged malpractice suit. This is different in a way since this coverage allows a gap between the expired insurance period and new insurance period.

- Occurrence coverage refers to a type of insurance policy that covers claims of medical malpractice arising from an alleged error made by the physician as long as he reports the said claim regardless of when it occurred. The important thing in this policy is that as long as the alleged malpractice act occurred during the period when the policy was in effect the doctor acquires coverage.

Since new doctors have very little experience on handling patients, it is paramount for them to avail of a medical malpractice insurance policy, it is clear that mistakes in medical processes can never be removed entirely. Which is why doctors should avail of a comprehensive insurance policy in order to protect their interests as well as their patients.

What Is Medical Negligence and What Does It Mean for You?   Learn What Medical Malpractice Really Is   Failure to Diagnose Cancer Case - How Does It Work?   The Complicated World of Expert Affidavits in Minnesota Medical Malpractice Cases   What Is Medical Negligence?   

Plaintiffs and Defendants in Medical Malpractice Law

In medical malpractice law, there are many different terms that are used during court proceedings. If you are thinking about filing a claim against a negligent doctor or other hospital worker, it is very useful to become familiar with these terms. During court proceedings, you may hear "plaintiff" and "defendant" used repeatedly. Knowing the difference between these terms can make the process more understandable and less confusing.   If you or someone you love fears that medical negligence led to injuries or illness, speak with an attorney in your area who can defend your rights and interests. You could be eligible to receive compensation for your losses.   Plaintiffs and Defendants in Malpractice Law   "Plaintiff" and "defendant" refer to the two opposing parties in a malpractice suit. The plaintiff is the one who brought the suit, and the defendant is the one who is defending against charges of misconduct. The following specifies more detail concerning who the plaintiffs and defendants are:

The plaintiff is usually the patient The plaintiff can also be a designated party acting on behalf of the patient The defendant is usually the doctor The defendant can sometimes be a dentist, therapist, or nurse

You, the plaintiff, must show the court that the four elements of a tort are present in your case. You will also have to establish these elements in more than a 50% preponderance of evidence. Contact an attorney to find out if your case has these potential elements and if you could be eligible to receive compensation for losses.

Contact the Waukesha medical malpractice attorneys of Habush Habush & Rottier, S.C., for more information about malpractice.

What Is Medical Negligence and What Does It Mean for You?   Learn What Medical Malpractice Really Is   Failure to Diagnose Cancer Case - How Does It Work?   The Complicated World of Expert Affidavits in Minnesota Medical Malpractice Cases   What Is Medical Negligence?   Nursing Care Malpractice (Part I)   

Wrongly Diagnosed Illnesses

When you are sick and go visit the doctor, you probably assume that they will be able to correctly diagnose your ailment with little difficulty. Even though doctors and other medical staff are highly trained in the medical field, they do not correctly diagnose every patient, every time. Sometimes a misdiagnosis can result in minor complications, but sometimes the complications can be devastating for a patient.

If you or a loved one has been hurt by a negligent or careless medical staff member, it may be because the healthcare professional committed medical malpractice. Contact an experienced medical malpractice attorney today to find out if you may be eligible for compensation. You should not have to pay for your injuries if they were caused by another person's negligent acts.

Examples of Commonly Misdiagnosed Illnesses

There are many different kinds of illnesses in existence that share many of the same symptoms. This can make it challenging for doctors to be able to figure out what is wrong with a patient in a timely manner. Some commonly misdiagnosed ailments include:

Appendicitis Stroke Cancer Heart attack Diabetes Bacterial infections

If a doctor misdiagnoses one of these conditions, the patient may suffer more because they have to wait for the proper treatment. The longer a patient has to wait to undergo treatment, the greater his or her medical expenses can become. Paying more in medical bills because a doctor wrongly diagnosed an illness is not fair to the patient. Speak with an attorney today to find out if you may be entitled to compensation if you have suffered from this type of mistreatment.

What Is Medical Negligence and What Does It Mean for You?   Learn What Medical Malpractice Really Is   Failure to Diagnose Cancer Case - How Does It Work?   The Complicated World of Expert Affidavits in Minnesota Medical Malpractice Cases   What Is Medical Negligence?   Nursing Care Malpractice (Part I)   

What Mistakes Do Medical Professionals Make to Be Considered a Malpractice?

A medical professional who fails to administer the required medical treatment on a patient in any function in relation to medicine is called medical malpractice. Most of the time, malpractice in the field of medicine is subjected towards erring physicians or nurses who did not carry out "reasonable care" towards a patient. As such, medical professionals, without that "reasonable care", may inflict harm or injury towards him, or, in some cases, would result to death.

If a doctor made a mistake on a patient's diagnosis, or that a patient becomes weary and unsatisfied with the treatment he is receiving, that may not right away constitute malpractice. Malpractice must have a hint of negligence on the part of the doctor or any medical professional. Negligence would mean that the erring doctor exercised skills that are opposite of what is required in the field of medicine.

Medical professionals, while they can provide proper treatment to people, can make mistakes along the way. Sometimes, though, these mistakes are done in a frequent manner that an injury or death can be expected to happen on a patient. There are many mistakes that medical professionals make, and most of them can be grounds for filing a claim.

Most malpractice claims are due to the medical professional's failure to provide a diagnosis for the patient in the soonest possible time. A doctor may give out a wrong diagnosis to a patient, or make a delay in doing so. The doctor could have prevented the serious condition of the patient had he informed the patient of it, especially if the condition is terminal and would result to death.

Another mistake done by medical professionals is on the aspect of childbirth. Injuries during childbirth can be attributed to two cases: before and during childbirth. Negligence before childbirth happens when a physician fails to provide diagnosis on the medical condition of both the mother and the fetus. Negligence during childbirth happens when the physician fails to execute necessary actions while the mother is under either normal delivery or caesarian section.

One of the worst mistakes a doctor could make usually happen inside the operating room of a hospital. Making mistakes in putting anesthesia may greatly complicate the condition of a patient, as well as mistakes in performing a surgical operation. Both of these mistakes can put the patient in a critical state, which, if left untreated, may result to serious complications or even death.

Administering drugs, even from the doctor's initial prescription towards patients, can sometimes take a turn for the worse. Some scenarios may happen at this point. The drug can be administered in inaccurate amounts as opposed to what is correctly prescribed. The drug for reducing headaches might be given to a patient with an allergic response to that certain kind of drug.

Injuries are most likely to happen because of these medical malpractice errors. Filing a claim against the medical professional should earn the injured patient recovery from the economic, non-economic, and probably punitive damages caused by negligence.

What Is Medical Negligence and What Does It Mean for You?   Learn What Medical Malpractice Really Is   Failure to Diagnose Cancer Case - How Does It Work?   The Complicated World of Expert Affidavits in Minnesota Medical Malpractice Cases   What Is Medical Negligence?   Nursing Care Malpractice (Part I)   

MRSA: Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a strain of staph bacteria. However, even though most types of bacteria are able to be treated by antibiotics, this type of bacteria does is resistant. Just because staph bacteria is present in someone's body does not mean that they have MRSA. In fact, about one out of every four people are said to be colonized by staph, meaning that the bacteria is present on their skin. What may cause the person to become ill infected when the bacteria enters into the body. This could be from sores and cuts, or through hospital equipment such as breathing tubes and catheters. Some types of staff infections are very minor and may appear as a pimple. However, in some victims, their heart, blood, or other organs may become infected.

The difference between a serious case of staph infection or a minor case can depend on the person's immune system. For example, those who are in the hospital already are suffering from a weakened immune system and they may be more liable to contact this infection. In most cases, the antibiotics, beta-lactams, are able to treat staph infections. However, two out of every one hundred people carry a strain of staph which is immune to antibiotics and not treatable or curable. This dangerous strain is the MRSA. MRSA cases most often appear in nursing homes, care facilities, and hospitals. Both the staff and patients are at risk, however, those who are being treated for cancer or have undergone surgery are more likely to contract it.

How do you know if you are suffering from a staph infection? First, a red area will swell up on the skin. This will be painful and there may be drainage and pus coming from the affected area. This can be treated at the doctor's office by draining the area and keeping it covered. MRSA that is acquired at a hospital is much more serious. As this infection can affect an organ or an area where there recently was surgery, those in hospitals are more at risk. If you have recently been in the hospital and are now experiencing chest pain, chills, a cough, rash, or shortness of breath, you should contact a doctor to ensure that this is not what you are suffering from.

If the doctor decides to test you for MRSA, they may do a blood culture or culture from the infected site. Antibiotics will most likely be prescribed and you should take them until the dose is completed, even if the symptoms go away before then. However, if the antibiotics fail to work, you may have to be admitted to the hospital and put on oxygen and given medication and fluids intravenously. If the victim already suffered from poor health, their chances of recovering are more slim. When the infection is found in the blood, there are a higher number of deaths. MRSA can often be closely associated with medical malpractice as medical professionals may fail to practice safe hygiene in the hospital or failed to diagnose the condition. If this was your case, please do not hesitate to contact a malpractice lawyer to see how they could help you.

What Is Medical Negligence and What Does It Mean for You?   Learn What Medical Malpractice Really Is   Failure to Diagnose Cancer Case - How Does It Work?   The Complicated World of Expert Affidavits in Minnesota Medical Malpractice Cases   What Is Medical Negligence?   

Causes of Anesthesia Mistakes In Hospitals

Anesthesia is often the highest risk element of a surgical procedure. It is not widely known that a simple error in administering anesthesia can create serious lifelong medical problems for the patient. In some cases the mistakes can prove fatal.

Probable Causes of Anesthesia

Common areas where errors occur in the use of anesthesia include: not accounting for the height and weight of the patient, failing to carefully review the patient's records, lack of proper training for technicians, and fatigue of the medical staff attending to the patient.

Problems Associated With Anesthesia Errors

Improper administration of anesthesia can lead to low blood pressure or inadequate blood flow to major organs including the brain. Errors like these can have catastrophic consequences for the patient including: heart failure, stroke, mild or severe brain damage, paralysis, or death. Obviously, these problems are nearly always more severe than the initial medical condition the patient may have been trying to correct with surgery.

Anesthesia Blunders Don't Always Show Up In The Operating Room

Anesthesia mistakes can take place during the simplest dental procedure, during minor and major surgical procedures, and during childbirth if the mother chooses to have a cesarean section. The problems can occur in the waiting room prior to surgery, operating room, or even post surgery.

What To Do If You Or A Family Member Have Been Harmed By An Anesthesia Mistake

Most anesthesia mistakes are easily prevented. Those responsible for causing these extreme errors can be held accountable for the patient's injuries, suffering or death. If you or a member of your family is the victim of an anesthesia mistake, speak with a lawyer to get an appraisal of your situation. You may be entitled to receive compensation for any damages caused.

Insurance companies and their legal departments are heavily incentivised to keep anesthesia-related injury claims in check. Often, this can mean that an injured patient's rights are being violated. Cases involving anesthesiologist malpractice can be extremely complicated. It pays to speak with injury attorneys who dedicated their practice entirely to medical malpractice cases. The lawyers and their firms are in a good position to navigate the medical legal complex. They understand medical procedures, hospital processes, and operating room protocol. Additionally many law firms have medical professionals on staff to advise their legal team on a stream of pharmaceutical and medical nuances.

Another point to bear in mind is that injury victims (or their families) must seek legal guidance as soon as possible after the injury. It is far easier for a legal team to research and investigate all aspects of the incident including critical issues and personnel involved at the medical facility while the injury event is still fairly recent.

This is not legal advice. If you need legal counsel, talk to a qualified legal professional.

What Is Medical Negligence and What Does It Mean for You?   Learn What Medical Malpractice Really Is   Failure to Diagnose Cancer Case - How Does It Work?   The Complicated World of Expert Affidavits in Minnesota Medical Malpractice Cases   

Informed Consent: Your Body, Your Rights - Not Your Doctor's

Informed consent refers to the act when a patient consents to a surgery or treatment plan before the doctor is allowed to complete the procedure. The doctor is required to fully inform the patient of the possible outcomes and consequences associated with the medical procedure such as a surgery. Although the specific definition of informed consent may vary from state to state, its definition is that the patient has made a knowing decision about a medical treatment or procedure after a doctor or other health care professional discloses all the information a reasonably prudent medical provider would give to a patient regarding the risks involved in the proposed treatment or procedure. In New York State, the law of informed consent is set forth in Section 2805-d of the Public Health Law:

"Lack of informed consent means the failure of the person providing the professional treatment or diagnosis to disclose to the patient such alternatives thereto and the reasonably foreseeable risks and benefits involved as a reasonable medical, dental or podiatric practitioner under similar circumstances would have disclosed, in a manner permitting the patient to make a knowledgeable evaluation."

If your doctor did not receive your informed consent to proceed with a procedure, but did so anyway, you may be eligible to file a medical malpractice lawsuit. Nonetheless, there are some cases in which a doctor is not required to receive express informed consent. One such example is emergency situations where a doctor must take immediate medical action in order to save a person's life. There are also instances when the patient is unable to give consent due to mental illnesses. In these cases, a guardian is typically allowed to make medical decisions for the patient. In New York State, there are additional hurdles to being successful in a medical malpractice case based upon the lack of informed consent. The Public Health Law states that:

"It must also be established that a reasonably prudent person in the patient's position would not have undergone the treatment or diagnosis if he had been fully informed and that the lack of informed consent is a proximate cause of the injury or condition for which recovery is sought."

Types of Consent: Express and Implied

Informed consent may be either "express" or "implied." Express consent is given in writing, or can be given verbally. A written informed consent form should include all of the information needed for a patient to make an informed decision about whether or not they would like to undergo the procedure. This should include:

The name of the doctor who will complete the surgery Summary of your medical condition The purpose of the procedure The risks of, and alternatives to the procedure Estimated cost of the surgery Estimated recovery time

Consent not given by a patient in writing or verbally, but nevertheless understood from the circumstances surrounding the procedure or treatment at issue is known as implied consent. Consent may be implied when, for instance, a patient presents him or herself for a relatively simple, non-invasive procedure. Consent is also usually implied for necessary procedures a surgeon might perform in the course of a surgical procedure to which the patient did consent.

Negligent doctors who do not receive the express informed consent of their patients before performing medical procedures with known risks need to be held liable for their actions.

What Is Medical Negligence and What Does It Mean for You?   Learn What Medical Malpractice Really Is   Failure to Diagnose Cancer Case - How Does It Work?   The Complicated World of Expert Affidavits in Minnesota Medical Malpractice Cases   What Is Medical Negligence?   Nursing Care Malpractice (Part I)   

Are Dentist Mistakes Medical Malpractice?

Dental malpractice is medical malpractice. For some unknown reason, a lot of people do not think of dentist as medical providers. but they are medical providers. Their focus is on providing good health by taking care of patients' teeth and treating gum and jaw disorders.

However, the fact that dentist are medical providers doesn't answer the question "are dentist mistakes medical malpractice?". The true answer is that dentist mistakes may or may not be medical malpractice.

First, just because there was a bad result doesn't mean that the dentist did something wrong. It is possible that the dentist did everything right, but for some reason the results were not what was expected and anticipated.

Second, even if the dentist made a mistake, it doesn't necessarily mean that there was dental malpractice or medical malpractice. In our legal system, for a dentist to be liable for a patient's injuries, a patient must prove four elements or facts.

1. The patient must show that a dentist has a duty to provide the same care as a reasonably prudent dentist would have provided in the same circumstances. While it is accepted that the dentist has a duty toward his/her patients, this element or fact is also proven by showing what a reasonably prudent dentist would have done in the same circumstance.

2. The patient must show that the dentist breached his/her duty to the patient by not doing what a reasonably prudent dentist would have done in a similar circumstance. This element or fact is proven by showing what the dentist actually did or didn't do and comparing it to what should have been done.

3. The patient must show that the action or failure of action of the dentist caused the injury that the patient suffered. Notice that the injury could be cause by what the dentist did do, such as extract a tooth which caused an injury to the patient's jaw, or didn't do, such as not extracting a tooth which caused an infection which caused an injury to the patient's jaw.

4. The patient must show that the patient did, in fact, suffer an injury. In legal terms, if the patient did not suffer an injury, there is not dental malpractice regardless of how many mistakes or how severe mistakes that were made by the dentist. No injury = no dental malpractice.

If a patient can prove the four elements or facts outlined above, then there may have been dental malpractice. Because, dental care is medical care, a dental malpractice case is handled the same way as a regular medical malpractice case. Expert witnesses are required to show what should have been done to the patient, what actually was done, how what was done caused an injury to the patient, and the actual injury to the patient.

This is general information only. If you have any questions whatsoever about medical malpractice lawyers, talk with a lawyer licensed in your state.

This article may be republished, but the wording must not be changed and the author links must remain active.

What Is Medical Negligence and What Does It Mean for You?   Learn What Medical Malpractice Really Is   Failure to Diagnose Cancer Case - How Does It Work?   The Complicated World of Expert Affidavits in Minnesota Medical Malpractice Cases   What Is Medical Negligence?   

Causes of Surgical Errors

If you are checking in for a surgical procedure, the last thing you want to worry about is the possibility of an irresponsible medical professional causing you harm. Unfortunately, every day people experience undue pain and suffering for this very reason. Surgeries come with many inherent risks, however a negligent professional drastically increases the chances of a serious injury occurring before, during, or after surgery.

The following are some of the most common mistakes that careless medical professionals can make during the surgical process:

Surgery was on the wrong site - Sadly, this form of medical negligence can result in years of emotional pain and suffering. Surgery performed on the wrong patient - If a person receives the wrong surgical procedure, they may be at risk of new health problems as well as emotional pain and suffering. Failure to sanitize environment - Failure to sanitize surgical equipment, the room where the surgery will take place, and improper hand washing may result in infection. Medication errors - This is a common reason for medical negligence across the board. If wrong dosages or wrong medications are taken before, during, or after surgery, the results could be deadly. Anesthesia errors - Anesthesiologists must take many things into account before administering an anesthetic. Type of procedure, length of procedure, height and weight of patient, and pre-existing conditions should be considered before the medicine is given. Improper suturing - Suturing is incredibly important to the healing process. A surgeon is responsible for completely and properly closing the wound to ensure it will heal as it should. What Is Medical Negligence and What Does It Mean for You?   Learn What Medical Malpractice Really Is   Failure to Diagnose Cancer Case - How Does It Work?   The Complicated World of Expert Affidavits in Minnesota Medical Malpractice Cases   

Understanding Septic Shock

Septic shock is a condition that may occur after an individual suffers sepsis. Typically, an individual suffers sepsis after suffering bacteremia. This initial infection may occur in a medical setting because of negligent actions on the part of medical professionals.

Bacteremia is a condition in which an individual's blood becomes infected. This may occur when bacteria or fungi is introduced into a person's bloodstream. If these pathogens can and grow in the blood, the blood is infected.

When this infection spreads throughout the body and the body tries to fight it, an individual may suffer sepsis, which is a full-body inflammatory state accompanied by high fever and potential complications including ulcers and blood clots.

Sepsis may put a strain on blood vessels, which is when septic shock may occur. This is a medical condition in which an individual's various body parts cannot receive an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen, causing body parts and functions to shut down.

This condition can cause various parts of the body to die. Most notably, an individual's internal organs may suffer irreparable damage. Because of how damaging these effects can be, septic shock has a relatively high mortality rate. Patients with this condition have a 50 percent chance of survival.

Since the initial act that eventually leads to septic shock may occur in a medical setting, an individual who suffers septic shock may be entitled to financial compensation on the grounds of medical malpractice.

Individuals are advised to seek legal help before taking any legal action. While having a lawyer does not guarantee victory, it may help individuals improve their chances for success.

What Is Medical Negligence and What Does It Mean for You?   Learn What Medical Malpractice Really Is   Failure to Diagnose Cancer Case - How Does It Work?   The Complicated World of Expert Affidavits in Minnesota Medical Malpractice Cases   

Finding A Malpractice Attorney

Malpractice is serious business and can be difficult to prove. Only a qualified Malpractice Attorney can help you protect your rights and make sure you are fully compensated.

Doctors, hospitals, and staff associated with any medical facility are not perfect. Mistakes can be made. Unfortunately, it's the patient who suffers from these careless mistakes. The courts are full of malpractice cases and more and more are being filed every day. It can be a very frightening time for anyone. You put all your trust in the medical profession to make you well.

Suddenly, you find out that due to a negligent error, you are now gravely ill or injured for life. You need a malpractice attorney who makes malpractice their 'specialty.' Again, malpractice law suits can be a big battle. Doctors and hospitals have attorney's of their own so the attorney you choose must be well prepared.

Evidence is the strongest part of your case. A malpractice attorney will have a staff of professionals working with them. Collecting all the evidence needed to prepare your case. Malpractice is a term most often heard of in the medical profession. Anyone in the professional field who acts in an unethical manner with total disregard for your safety can be charged with malpractice. This can include lawyers who may act in an illegal or unethical manner.

Finding a malpractice attorney is easy. The Internet is a great place to start looking. Finding just the right one should be your biggest concern. Be sure to ask a lot of questions. They should be knowledgeable in all areas of malpractice.

Compensation amounts can range widely. It all depends on the circumstances surrounding your case. These compensations can include, medical expenses, loss of wages, pain and suffering, and possibly punitive damages.

The smart thing to do is consult with a malpractice attorney quickly while evidence pertaining to your case is still fresh. Vital evidence has been known to disappear after time. It may be misplaced or discarded and this could have serious consequences concerning your case.

This is why you must hire a qualified malpractice attorney who can prove to you they have positive result in the field of malpractice. If they do not want to disclose this information, it's advised that you move on to review another attorney.

What Is Medical Negligence and What Does It Mean for You?   Learn What Medical Malpractice Really Is   Failure to Diagnose Cancer Case - How Does It Work?   The Complicated World of Expert Affidavits in Minnesota Medical Malpractice Cases   What Is Medical Negligence?   

How to File an Online Claim for Clinical Negligence

The medical profession is one of the most respected professions and most health professionals try their level best to provide optimum treatment to the patients. But once in awhile patients have to suffer because of the clinical negligence on the part of these health professionals.

Many people are not aware of the cases in which a clinical negligence can be filed. These cases can be filed in case the patients have undergone wrong treatment at the hands of his or her doctor, a delay occurs in the treatment process, the health professional fails to diagnose the condition accurately or fails to inform the patients about the consequences of a particular procedure.

Not having this information can prove disastrous of the patients as they may not know how to react when the clinical negligence happens. This article discusses the steps that patients can take after experiencing clinical negligence so that they can take the right action at the right time.

Clinical negligence claims can be filed online. But before doing so, patients should have the following information and paperwork ready. This includes:

• Proof of medical negligence. • The necessary paperwork and patient records • Proper legal representation

The objective of a clinical negligence claim is to convince the authorities that the error in diagnosis or treatment would not have occurred if the health professional had paid adequate attention or suggested an alternate treatment.

The laws for clinical negligence cases may differ from State to State and it has to be filed keeping in mind specific laws. There is also a time limit in which the case has to be filed and patients should not waste any time in contacting the authorities about their condition.

There are forms that are available online with the help of which patients can file their clinical negligence cases. The information required includes their name, contact number, clinical details, name of doctor, and particulars of the medical negligence case.

Medical negligence can also result in the death of a person or leave him or her disabled for life. Although, there is no compensation that can reverse the damage to the health of an individual, getting their due compensation can help patients apply their pending medical bills and help get on with their lives.

These laws are also in place so that medical professionals understand their responsibility and are careful while treating patient. Whether they are prescribing drugs for a chronic condition or performing a major operation, doctors have to be fully attentive and make sure that they do not make such errors and endanger the lives of their patients.

What Is Medical Negligence and What Does It Mean for You?   Learn What Medical Malpractice Really Is   Failure to Diagnose Cancer Case - How Does It Work?   The Complicated World of Expert Affidavits in Minnesota Medical Malpractice Cases   

Litigating the Brain Damaged Baby Case From the Initial Interview to Trial

Attorney ethics, juries softened by years of insurance company "education", and the escalating complexity of litigating brain-damaged baby cases show the importance of investigating, working up and establishing liability and causation proofs before filing suit. Recent empirical studies and emerging technologies have made causation the focal point of birth injury litigation.

Investigating Before Filing Suit.

A subspecialty-birth injury cases-is emerging within the legal specialization of medical negligence. For this and other reasons, the claimant's lawyer should already have a general knowledge of medicine, especially obstetrics and gynecology.

The client interview comes first. Besides the usual data collecting and document signing typical of most client interviews, lawyers must -

--Obtain facts from the parents, including physical evidence (baby books, etc.) the complete medical history of mother, father and siblings; and a factual history of the physician-patient relationship. Lawyers should always have the parents screened for possible genetic and environmental exposures-foreseeable defenses-and have the parents' and child's teeth, fingerprints, eye placement in relation to nose and forehead, and forehead deformities, etc. looked at to screen for all possible genetic defects.

--See the child. Too often, the parents of a severely injured child attend the first attorney-client meeting without the child. Lawyers should always try to arrange for the child to be at the first meeting or at least be sure to see the child before filing suit. Lawyers should view he child with an eye not only toward damages, but also toward liability.

--Obtain complete medical records, including mother's primary and prenatal care records; mother's labor and delivery records ((e.g., uterine-contraction and fetal-monitoring strips, ultrasound reports and films, slides, incident reports, billings, and in-hospital records and post-discharge follow-up consultation and treating physician reports; and serial photographs of the child from the date of birth to the present.

--Identify potential defendants (always screen for drug or other product causes that would support a products liability action). If anything about the parents, their histories, or the child's looks or medical records suggests genetic causation, a genetic workup for purposes of excluding this as causation may be indicating before filing suit. If possible, lawyers should have a nurse specialist organize and review the records (labor and delivery, etc.) before submitting them to a physician specialist. A timeline of significant medical and factual events should be prepared. Lawyers should forward the timeline, the organized records, and a letter of suggested areas of inquiry to each potential expert.

Because many defense lawyers believe obstetricians are competent to comment only on the obstetrical standard of care or deviations from it, not on causation, plaintiffs' lawyers should have brain-damaged baby cases reviewed by both an obstetrician and a pediatric neurologist or neonatologist.

Lawyers should select experts they will use at trial before the complaint is filed and should not rely on a "reviewing expert" who is unwilling to testify at trial. Many lawsuits have been started on the word of such experts who, when the time comes to find an expert to give a deposition and testimony at trial, cannot be found.

Lawyers must ensure that both deviations from accepted standards of care and a causative link between those deviations and the injury can be established. They should also secure statements from follow-up treating physicians, especially neonatologists and pediatric neurologists, before suit is filed. If they do not, control over these key witnesses falls to the defense.

Severe Diffuse Brain Injury.

Criteria used to identify children with severe diffuse brain injury-especially children whose injuries were caused by obstetrical malpractice-are controversial. Yet, there are signs and symptoms that typify the newborn with severe brain injury:

--difficulty in breathing

--difficulty in sucking and swallowing

--difficulty in maintaining temperature (persists over 24 hours)

--alterations in levels of consciousness (i.e., extreme irritability to coma)

--hypotonia-abnormal decrease in strength-floppiness

--normal head circumference (abnormal head circumference may suggest an alternative causative factor. Macro or micro head sizee may suggest a congenital or intrauterine growth retardation.)

--signs of increased intracranial pressure after several days (e.g., an intense bulging fontanel)

--high pitched, shrill cry

--projectile vomiting

--pupil/iris appearing as if it is setting into lower part of eye-setting sun sign

--apnea (may be a manifestation of intercranial pressure).

Some signs of an infant at risk for acute brain injury include-

--maternal illness during pregnancy (infection, trauma, preeclampsia, etc.)

--maternal exposure to drugs or environmental exposure to teratogens

--cord or placental accidents

--meconium staining of the amniotic fluid

--a low Apgar score at birth that does not promptly rise significantly with vigorous resuscitative efforts

--epileptic seizures

--septicemia in a sick infant


--white or ashen skin tone

--facial abnormalities.

In a given case, these signs and symptoms may appear alone or in combination. Concerning liability and causation questions, lawyers must determine the existence of the sign or symptom, the cause of the sign or symptom, what response the physician made or should have made, and whether any response would have changed the outcome.

Neonatal Brain Damage.

Causes of neonatal brain damage, alone or in combination, include hypoxia (low oxygen asphyxia); ischemia (low blood pressure and flow); hemorrhages, spontaneous or traumatic; apnea; cessation of breathing; hypoglycemia (low blood sugar); kernicterus (excessive bilirubin); infection (e.g., meningitis); seizures (which complicate and exacerbate other pathologic processes); and hydrocephalus.

Not all neonatal brain damage is the result of obstetrical error. If a physician deviates from accepted standards of care, causes the signs or symptoms above, or fails to respond to them and an injury results, that may constitute obstetrical malpractice.

Asphyxial brain damage, sometimes described as cerebral palsy, is a subject in itself.

Drafting the Complaint.

Competent lawyers in the same and different jurisdictions debate whether general or specific complaints are indicated. Regardless, the complaint sets the framework of the suit and determines the scope of discovery. It should be drafted to meet the legal requirements of the jurisdiction and anticipated testimony of plaintiff's experts.

As discovery proceeds, the complaint should be amended to reflect newly discovered facts or deviations from accepted standards of care. As the case approaches trial, the complaint should be amended to conform to the trial proofs; charges that cannot be proved by the close of discovery should be dropped. Discovery should be viewed as an ongoing process that involves thinking, rethinking,communicating, negotiating, and sometimes, fighting. It begins with the lawyer's general obstetrical knowledge, which can be supplemented by reading.

Discovery costs money. How the patient's lawyer spends money on discovery telegraphs to the opposing counsel what the lawyer knows about litigating birth injury cases.

There is no single right way to conduct discovery. The facts of each case should determine what discovery steps will be taken, and in what order. Indeed, before lawyers begin discovery, the legal theories to be proved and the crucial medical facts to be established on deviation from standard of care and causation must be understood so that discovery can be tailored to produce the necessary proofs. Although there is no cookbook order of discovery, the typical order includes:

1. The investigation before the complaint is filed.

2. Interrogatories to defendants covering nonsubstantive material. Substantive material should be discovered in depositions in jurisdictions that allow them. Interrogatories may be used to discovery substantive material in smaller damage cases as a form of cost control.

3. Interrogatories to the plaintiff, which are typically accompanied by "defense authorization forms". If the patient is to sign authorization forms, they should be drafted by the patient's lawyer and should clearly state that they authorize the disclosure of records only. The forms should expressly state that discussions with nondefendant treating doctors or other health care providers are not permitted.

4. Discovery about the defendant's lawyer-reputation, substantive knowledge, integrity, etc.

5. Deposition of the plaintiff. If the defense lawyer does not move to take the plaintiff's deposition, this may signal a problem. It may be that the defense lawyer is following the plaintiff's declining health through Medicaid billings or other sources and is waiting for the plaintiff to die. If the plaintiff is at risk of dying, a videotape of the plaintiff if he is old enough to give testimony should be taken to preserve the testimony. Otherwise, a day-in-the-life video should be prepared as a hedge against the child's untimely death.

6. Collection of defendants' and experts' writings and speeches.

7. Deposition of the defendant doctor, preferably in the doctor's office. Sometimes it is important to take the depositions of nurses and other operating or delivery room personnel before taking the defendant doctor's deposition. Such witness may lock in the doctor's testimony.

8. Depositions of fact witnesses, e.g., nurses, respiratory therapists, and hospital administrators.

9. Depositions of plaintiff's experts. If the defense does not move to take these depositions, the lawyer should try to find out why. The answer to this question may reveal a defect in plaintiff's case or a weakness in plaintiff's expert. It may be that the plaintiff has inadvertently selected an expert who is well known to the defense, has a fatal flaw, or has been well-deposed in other actions.

10. Deposition of defendant's experts.

11. Follow-up interrogatories.

12. Requests for admissions.

13. Investigation of client's damages. Because damages often increase or appear over time, the patient's attorney must monitor the child's health throughout the litigation. In cases involving newborns, it may be wise to delay filing the complaint as the cognitive damages may not be measurable until the child is about five.

Conducting Depositions.

Before deposing the defendant doctor or the defendant's experts, the lawyer should have completed the case workup. The lawyer should list key questions to be asked, including those based on answers gleaned from medical texts, articles, or materials the defendant or the defendant's expert have prepared so that questions eliciting contrary responses can be noted, preserving the discrepancies for use at trial. Where possible, depositions should take place in the doctor's office so educational plaques, licenses, and other factors can be noted and possibly used for deposition questions.

When deposing the defendant doctor and defendant's expert, the lawyer should do the following:

1. Review the files of the doctor or expert and have them marked as exhibits, checking the underlinings, sidebar comments, or other markings that may serve as a basis for questioning.

2. Have an outlined set of questions that will cover all aspects of defendant's knowledge about the matters in question. Ask the witness to define key terms, explain normative ranges for tests, etc. This helps set a baseline against which the answers that follow can be measured.

3. Ask questions in a random manner unless the deposition is intended for use as testimony at trial. This method, sometimes called the "hit/skip" method, limits the witness's ability to anticipate the next question and denies the witness the opportunity to prepare a set answer.

4. Obtain an unequivocal answer to each question. Too often, thinking about the next question prevents the lawyer from listening carefully to the witness's answer. Listening to answers is as important as, if not more important than, asking questions. Often, a witness's answer will suggest unplanned questions.

5. Be flexible enough to leave prepared questions, venture into unplanned areas, and then return to the prepared questions.

6. Be nonconfrontational. Relaxed questions may elicit less guarded responses than more hostile, aggressive questions.

7. Try not to telegraph positions or theories to opposing counsel during the deposition.

8. Use everyday language.

9. Test the witness's knowledge of basic medicine and the medicine involved in the case. Such questions can unsettle an unprepared physician witness, just as questions about the rule against perpetuities might unsettle a lawyer witness.

The two events most dangerous to the plaintiff's case are the depositions of the plaintiff and of the plaintiff's experts. Although plaintiffs can rarely help their cases with their testimony other than in the area of damages, they can do a lot to hurt their cases. (The baby's mother should be prepared for questions about prenatal infections, traumas, Agent Orange exposures, and other prenatal events that may give rise to substantive alternative causation defenses.)

The plaintiff's experts should be prepared to report the number of times they have testified at depositions and at trials; the medical legal reviews they have performed; whether these services were performed for the plaintiff or the defense; and, if for both, what percentages were provided to each. Experts must know all the relevant facts and understand that opinions should be stated in terms of "probabilities" instead of mere "possibilities", as the latter are usually not admissible. Experts should be prepared to confront anything they have written that might contradict their current opinions.

As the depositions proceed, follow-up interrogatories and, ultimately, requests for admission may be helpful. Well-drafted requests for admission, especially when based on the depositions of the defendant or the defendant's expert, can be devastating weapons. Requests for admission can also force defendant's counsel and carrier to confront admitted facts that they might otherwise forget or successfully ignore.

Foreseeable Causation Defenses.

New technology, such as magnetic resonance imaging, and the emergence of studies whose statistical findings favor alternative causations in brain-damaged baby cases must be considered and rebutted. Credible explanations to adverse test findings must be found before the depositions of the plaintiff's experts.

Alcohol, cigarettes, lawn sprays, chemical contraceptives, household solvents, medications, and X-rays are capable of producing brain-injured children. LSD and other street drugs are also capable of producing anomalies. LSD and other street drug use has an emotional impact on jurors and is the most negative of all alternative causation obstacles.

Infectious processes, especially viral, are insidious defenses to rebut. The presence of these viruses is rarely noted on prenatal records and may be noted for the first time at the mother's deposition when she reports having had a severe cold or respiratory infection during the prenatal period. Understanding how and when various organs develop in the fetus may help rule out such prenatal exposures as causes of the baby's injury if the dates of exposure do not correspond with the dates of the organ's development.

Maternal traumas, such as falls or car accidents during the prenatal period, may also be significant causative factors. The timing of such events and any corresponding signs and symptoms must be noted and evaluated.

An emerging causative defense is generically referred to as "maternal stress". Nervous mothers-mothers who make nonsubstantive calls to the obstetrician, are in psychological counseling, or have endured family stresses like unemployment or divorce-serve as grist for defense experts who point to these factors as prenatal causes of the baby's brain injury.

Family histories of seizures, genetic anomalies, or other problems must be scrutinized. The plaintiff's lawyer should anticipate defense use of these factors and be prepared to rebut them before deposing the plaintiff's expert.

It is useful to have the defendant obstetrician give opinions about each of these potential causation defenses. Sometime, the honest defendant will say that there was no evidence of maternal trauma, prenatal infectious processes, environmental exposures, or genetic defects.

Prematurity carries its own risks of morbidity and mortality. The more premature the baby, the less likely the baby's brain injury was caused at the time of labor and delivery. This axiom, although rebuttable, has sufficient support in the medical literature to be a formidable defense on the issue of causation, especially where the birth weight of the infant is below 1,500 grams.

Settlement or Trial?

Some factors that determine whether or not a brain-injured baby case will ultimately settle or go to trial include the following:

1. The strength of the plaintiff and the plaintiff's case.

2. The weaknesses of the defendant and the defendant's case.

3. The extent of special damages such as medical and hospital bills; loss of earning capacity; and other expenses, including future custodial or medical expenses.

4. The scope of the plaintiff's injuries, e.g., permanent disability and cosmetic or deformity problems.

5. The number and quality of collateral claims, such as those of the mother, father, and siblings.

6. The scope of defendant's insurance coverage.

7. The insurance companies involved and the contract language of the policies.

8. The power and credibility of the various experts.

9. The complexity of causation.

10. The liberalism or conservatism of the jurisdiction where the case is to be tried.

11. The experience of the attorneys.

12. The presence or absence of animosity between the plaintiff and defense attorneys.

With the emergence of studies supporting the alternative causation defenses, caps on pain and suffering, abolition of the collateral source rule, the dwindling supply of credible plaintiff obstetrical and pediatric neurologic experts, and more aggressive insurance defenses, more brain-injured baby cases are going to trial than ever before. The cases tend to involve shopworn plaintiff experts, viable alternative causation defenses, and inexperienced plaintiff's counsel, or else these cases involve instances where the plaintiff's demand for settlement transcends the risks of trial perceived by the defendant and insurer.

Because case selection determine so many of these variables, the specialized plaintiff's lawyer can predict fairly well which cases will go to trial and which will not.

When a case goes to trial, several concerns are worth noting:

1. Skillful use of motions in limine and other pretrial motions to keep out red-herring alternative causations.

2. Avoidance of bifurcation. Federal courts in particular and some state courts are bifurcating liability and damages in these cases. Because liability proofs are often intertwined with damage proofs, bifurcation can be fatal to the strongest plaintiff's case.

3. Whether plaintiff's experts can appear at trial or can only appear by deposition. Because it is foreseeable that many local defense experts will appear, it is incumbent on plaintiffs to present witnesses in court where possible.

4. Availability of models and anatomical drawings. The use of models, especially in the hands of expert witnesses demonstrating the defects in the delivery process, may be effective teaching tools, especially with male jurors.

5. Use of the defendant or defendant's expert to rule out alternative causations that may be offered as "smoke" by defendant's counsel in closing argument. Anticipatory motions in limine and the absence of alternative causation proofs may prevent the defendant's counsel from employing obfuscating alternative causation arguments.

6. Avoidance of overreaching in damage claims. Because of the severity of the plaintiff's injuries in these cases, each dollar figure presented should have some rational basis, and the total demand for recovery should adequately compensate the plaintiff, yet avoid the appearance of overreaching. Discussions with the plaintiff's economic expert should anticipate the problem of overreaching and facilitate an empirical/data-based claim for damages. In some cases, mock trials may be very useful.

7. The credibility of the plaintiff and of the plaintiff's experts-especially when it is contrasted to that of the defendant and of the defendant's experts.

Responsibility Required.

The techniques of trying a brain-damaged baby case and the trial considerations involved are similar to the concerns in any malpractice or personal injury case. Concerns common to all personal injury litigations are not specifically addressed here, as volumes have been written on these subjects.

Litigating the brain-damaged baby case, especially in the screening and discovery phases, is a unique subspecialty within the field of medical negligence litigation. Professional ethics, parental vulnerabilities, physicians' rights to fair treatment, and the public's intense scrutiny of birth injury litigation require knowledge, skill and responsibility from both plaintiff's and defense lawyers.

What Is Medical Negligence and What Does It Mean for You?   Learn What Medical Malpractice Really Is   Failure to Diagnose Cancer Case - How Does It Work?   The Complicated World of Expert Affidavits in Minnesota Medical Malpractice Cases   What Is Medical Negligence?   

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